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Nite TOKEN in essence

The Nite Token is a cornerstone of the, embodying the essence of decentralized finance and community empowerment. It serves as the power to shape the platform's future and unlock a realm of innovative opportunities in the crypto space.




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About Nite Token

The Nite Token, integral to, not only functions as a primary currency for trading but also offers a significant advantage to its holders: the potential to reduce trading fees by up to 90%. This utility positions it as a key asset within the economy, providing both transactional functionality and substantial value to users engaged in our platform's vibrant trading environment.

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Token distribution

Private sale

Public sale

Liquidity DEXs & CEXs

Staking rewards

Trading rewards



Treasury (Reserves)

Advisors & Partnerships

Total supply:


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Nite TOKEN Vestings

Allocation % of total supply Amount of tokens Vesting period Vesting contract
Team 5.9% 7,000,000 26 months 0x000000
Advisors & Partnerships 4.8% 5,700,000 26 months 0x000000
Market Making 6.7% 7,900,000 51 months 0x000000
Marketing 4.2% 5,000,000 51 months 0x000000
Nite Treasury 33.9% 47,000,000 51 months 0x000000
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Discover the Power of Nite Token

Nite Exchanges serves as the primary utility for our token, offering a decentralized exchange platform that facilitates effortless trading, lucrative staking opportunities, and streamlined project listings within the dynamic DeFi ecosystem.

Self-Listing Functionality

With Nite Exchange, projects can list their tokens without the need for centralized approval. This empowers projects of all sizes to gain visibility within the DeFi space.

Perpetual Trading for All Crypto Projects

With Nite Exchange, projects can list their tokens without the need for centralized approval. This empowers projects of all sizes to gain visibility within the DeFi space.

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